Tuesday, September 22, 2009

101 Floor Cleaning

Cleaning the floors is such an ordeal for many of us who have a hectic work schedule. But by following the steps below you can easily have a clean floor which are:
  1. Identify the type your floor is made of (is it concrete, ceramic tile, marble, or etc.)
  2. Research more about how to clean properly the type of floor you have.
  3. Make a schedule on your calendar or planner when you have enough free time to be able to clean your floor( at least an hour or so)
  4. Prepare all the equipments you'll use in cleaning the floor (mop, all purpose cleaner, ammonia, and rubber gloves, etc.)
  5. Remove the clutter on your floor.
  6. Be confident in cleaning your floor.
Photo courtesy of archiexpo.com

For further details on how to clean easily other types of floor check easy cleaning tips and floor cleaning & polishing

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